Use Rosemary: It Promotes Hair Growth

Use Rosemary: It Promotes Hair Growth

Make your own growth oil


Dark colored bottle to shield your oil from the sun. 

2 pieces of fresh rosemary 

1/2 cup -Avocado oil

1/4 cup -2nd favorite oil of your choice (just not coconut oil)

Directions: Warm up your oils in a pan (do not boil). Once it is heated cut off your heat source and add your pieces of rosemary to the mixture. Let it sit for 2 hours. Once cooled pour your oil mixture and place your rosemary into your jar/bottle. Store your oil in a cool dark place. Apply small amounts 3-4 times a week.

Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and promotes hair growth. This herb oil offers an anti-inflammatory benefit that helps to nourish hair follicles. It unclogs hair follicles and prevents dandruff. It is also beneficial to moisturize the hair & scalp and prevent flaking and appearance of dandruff.


rosemary hair growth oil formula


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