I love Castile Soap!
= I love Alabama Mix Creamy Cleanser!
Written by: Carmella M. Williams
I love Castile soap because it is a vegetable based soap that is derived from olive oil. It is a biodegradable soap that is not toxic. It is awesome for skin and hair.
Castile Soap is a great replacement to commercial shampoo. Many people have turned to castile soap as a replacement to chemical filled shampoos. Castile soap is strong enough to cleanse the scalp of excess sebum and product build up, but gentle enough to not leave your hair stripped and dry, thus castile soap is a great alternative to commercial shampoo.
With all of this information in the back of my mind I wanted to use this ingredient because of its great characteristics and affect. After over a year of experimenting and revamping my Creamy Cleanser formula I finally got it right!!! This product is apart of our Alabama Mix Line: Creamy Cleanser. It is thick, creamy, moisturizing and it cleanses but does not strip your hair and it is made with Castile Soap! It is a much better option for those who like to co-wash but would rather shampoo. Once done it will leave your hair at its best. We recommend that you detangle your hair while you have the Creamy Cleanser in there it will make your styling process much easier. This product is for Black hair and your hair will love it.
I love Castile Soap, most importantly I love Alabama Mix: Creamy Cleanser.